Are suspicious things taking place in your company? Hiring a private detective as a company can help. We can investigate theft, fraud and lots more aspects for you thoroughly and quickly. Or perhaps you are looking for the most suitable candidate for a position within your company and you want to find out more about this person first? No problem! At de Kort & Partners we dig out complete information to meet all your needs. Thoroughly, discreetly and quickly.
Hiring a private detective as a company
Is there money missing money from your cash register, material from the warehouse or even digital data, but you are unable to prove it?
Almost all companies suffer from fraud at some time or other. Annual losses incurred by this are estimated at no less than 6% of turnover.
Industrial espionage
Leaked information to competitors can have a huge impact on your business. Protect your business.
Pre-employment screening
A thorough investigation into the diplomas, experience, etc. of the applicants will furnish you with all information and reassurance you require!
Recovering goods/vehicles
De Kort & Partners carries out thorough investigations and where necessary will arrange to have goods or vehicles recovered.
You no longer need to be the victim of fraudulent absenteeism when you call on the services of DK&P.
De Kort & Partners investigates whether your competitor has been able to obtain certain pieces of information and how they did this.
De Kort & Partners carries out thorough surveillance procedures and reports back to you so that you are relieved of any concerns.
Intellectual property
De Kort & Partners will investigate these matters and come up with concrete evidence that can also be used to bring criminal charges against the offender.